Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I know what I'm trying to share with all of you right now is quite childish and it wasn't mature at all. But honestly, I'm sad. The new year is around the corner, my hair kena today. Not teacher catch me this time. Is a prefect from my class. Can use the word backstab? Idk. i just feel DOWNNN. Is totally down to the maxxx! She warning me , is okay. I'm fine. Cause i know my hair really long. But she didn't inform me. Nowadays, our schools rules are very very strict. Kena that day have to demerit 1 mark, second day 2 marks, third day 3 marks and need to wear the shower cap stand in the field and SHOW people one you know? Anyway, my hair is SHITY right now. It really makes me enter a state of heightened senses and sadistic torture. The idi0tic prefect and teacher. Really once a bitch, always a bitchhhh. Loathe them!

p/s: I won't mention who is she.

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